Past Event

Sketch Night

The Brant Foundation Greenwich September 11th, 2019


Sketch Night | Figure Drawing

Inspired by Urs Fischer

September 4, 2019 | 5:00 – 6:30 pm

September 11, 2019 | 5:00 – 6:30 pm (NEW!)

Join us for sketch night at The Brant Foundation (Greenwich, CT), inspired by the current exhibition of works by Urs Fischer.  Participants will have the opportunity to take a close look at Urs Fischer’s sculptural forms and sketch from a professional nude model in The Brant Foundation’s gallery.  This sketch night is uninstructed and open to artists of all experience levels.

$10 per person | Free for students with a valid school ID

Please bring your own materials (no oils or acrylics) – Easels will be available

Space is limited – Please RSVP to

The Brant Foundation Art Study Center | 941 North Street, Greenwich, CT 06831